We are always curious about robotics questions and answers, how to start robotics for kids, robotics quizzes, robotics kits, toys, etc. But have you ever thought about what questions you would ask if you met the most advanced robot on Earth?
We asked this question to our community and also published a giveaway on our social media post and our whatsapp community. Here is a summary of their replies. Before you go through them, why not answer this interesting question as well? Click the image below and comment with your answer.

2. How to make upgraded or more advance version of yours? ~ Kovid Parwal
3. How to keep wife always happy ~ We should better not reveal the name..!
4. What inspired you to be an advanced robot? ~ Tvisha Kamdar
5. I will ask if it can make 47 moves in one second as Vishwanathan Anand done? OR
If the most advanced robot is created by a scientist, can that robot’s IQ be so high that it can beat Carlson Magnus or/and Vishwanathan Anand in chess?? and if it can, how?? ~ Nathvani Pranav
6. Effect of employment, in next coming years? ~ Aishani Gaur
7. Assist surgery, perfome autonomous operations, nanorobots can do wonders ~ Dhiyaan Sagar Modi
8. What is the meaning of life?? ~ Patel Bhumika
9. I would ask him that how was he made?
10. Can you eat all things what humans can? ~ Harshil
11. Are you a robot ?
12. Do you eat food?
13. Will you do my homework?
14. Do you sleep?
15. Do you make mistake?
16. What do you think about technology?
17. Can you explain the nature of your consciousness and how you experience self-awareness?
18. Can you describe the process by which you learn and adapt to new situations, and how you integrate that knowledge into your decision-making processes?
19. Can you discuss the ethical considerations and moral principles that guide your actions, and how you reconcile conflicts between competing values and goals?
20. Can you demonstrate your creative capabilities by generating an original work of art, music, or literature, and explain the inspiration and thought process behind it?
21. Can you explain how you envision the future of human-robot collaboration and the potential implications for society, and how you see yourself contributing to that future? ~ Adina Khan
22. I would ask what is the nature of reality? The meaning of life? Understanding jokes or sarcasm? Predicting the future like stock market changes? Being creative? or Giving personal advice?
23. If you could plant one idea in every human’s mind, what would it be?
Amazing no? Have you also got some questions to be asked to the robot? Comment that on our instagram post.
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