News got selected to exhibit at Gitex Expand North Star

Last Updated on 28/11/24 0

havi at gitex

6th Oct, 2024. Easy Sunday morning.

Ritika casually checked the official emails with almost no hope of anything important, but here she paused with a subject line: “You have been selected for exhibiting in Gitex Global Expand North Star”~ an inbox from Startup India.

Ritika opened the email and rushed to dial a call. Yes, we,, had been selected for top 19 startups from India who got a free booth at World’s largest startup expo “Gitex Global- Expand North Star”.

And the next week was quite busy preparing for visa, bookings, planning, marketing, goodies and what not!

Cut to 13th Oct, 2024. The morning in Dubai.

havi stall at gitex

Havi had taken an official entry at Expand North Star. Expand North Star was an event where 1,800+ startups from across the world gathered, and our hearts were filled with immense pride representing India.

North Star was part of Gitex Global, which featured 6,500+ companies and welcomed over 200,000 visitors from 180+ countries. The event had taken place between 13th-15th Oct, 2024.

And here we are to share our experience & glimpses at Expand North Star.

That was huge

Yes, it was. In terms of everything. Be it area, countries, people, investors, startups, innovation… anything.

We could not miss capturing our first entry at north star.

World’s hands-on with Havi Elements

What could be more satisfying than seeing people from around the world engaging with, praising, and doing hands-on activities with Havi Elements?

People too felt unique at Havi’s booth as they were actually making projects, understanding the concepts by executing it and indulging into creative play.

people doing hands-on with havi elements

people doing hands-on with havi elements 1

SuPeR HiT Bands

A big shout out to those paper bands! Yes, our bands were a hit with everyone there.
Isn’t it obvious? After all, they let people express their personalities!

And people, including Mr. Sumeet Jarangal, Director of DPIIT, India, had happily tied the band, identifying themselves as a creator, player, performer, or even a blend of all three.

people with havi's band 1

people with havi's band

Which bands? You would pause and ask. Well, the bands are a kind of goodies/remembrance of Havi, but to know more about it, you need to actually visit our pop-up stalls or event or store..! And to know more about that, stay in touch with us by regularly keeping an eye on our newsletters or joining our whatsapp community.

people with havi's band 2

Catching up with Customers @ Dubai

Meeting existing customers at Expand North Star, Dubai was a charm..! Customers whom we had never seen due to online selling came to us and told us that they had purchased a kit from our website, and we felt the best…

havi's customers

Plus, we felt fortunate enough that people from different countries had bought Havi’s robotic & creativity toys. We got our international customers on offline bases too.

havi's customers 1

Wonder photos of Gitex Global

After completing 3 successful days at North Star, we had a day to visit Gitex Global. And we were spellbound with the innovation happening around the world. Here are some of the wonderful photos of innovation, technology, robotics, AI that we had taken at Gitex Global Dubai.

wonder photos of gitex global

India at Expand North Star, Dubai

Cheers to those 19 startups, including havi, who had won startup India challenge and represented India at Expand North Star.

Had a wonderful time with all the cutting edge startups of India..

startup india at gitex

And after all these “Tech-filled” days, when we came back to India, we felt light as our luggage of kits was almost reduced. Yes, Havi’s robotic kits & creativity toys were liked by Dubai, too.

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    We send a weekly newsletter that covers useful resources and insights about Creative Play. Toys, Games, DIY Projects, Sports, Music, Robotics, Art, STEAM, Parenting.

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