How to brush your teeth?
LOL, it seems like I am sleep-talking, no? Or asking the wrong question on the wrong platform.
But no, wait, I am sane and conscious, I have just confirmed it!!
So let me ask this question to Mitthu.
Me: Mitthu, how to brush your teeth?
Mitthu: come-on, don’t you know how to brush your teeth?
Me: No, I don’t.
Mitthu: Seriously? Take a toothbrush and start brushing, it’s simple.
Me: Okay then, what’s a toothbrush? No, I am not testing your patience. I genuinely don’t know!
Mitthu: I see. Well a toothbrush is a plastic stick with around 1 inch of bristles on one of the sides. That’s it. Now start brushing.
Me: Oh, thank you! Now I have put a brush in my mouth and brushed, but I don’t think my mouth is clean and fresh enough, I feel it still stinks, check….
Mitthu: Hey hey hey….. what are you doing man? No, I don’t want to smell you!
By the way, have you used toothpaste to brush your teeth?
Me: Sorry? Did you tell me to use toothpaste before?
Mitthu: OMG, what day it’s going to be! It’s going to be hard to teach how to brush their teeth to someone who keeps talking about how to teach robotics to kids and beginners.
But wait, you want to learn right? I can teach you. Come.
I will talk with you step by step, ok?
Step 1: Take the toothbrush.
Step 2: Apply some toothpaste on the toothbrush.
Step 3: Put the brush in your mouth.
Step 4: Brush each section of your teeth 10 times.
Step 5: Rinse your mouth with water.
Step 6: Your teeth are brushed.
Enough? Do it well now!!
Me: Wow thanks!
Let me start….
Hey, I have been trying but when I put my brush into the mouth, it’s not rubbing well. There’s a lot of friction.
Mitthu: Have you rinsed your mouth before starting to brush and also, have you put some water on the brush?
Me: No? Did you tell me that before?
Mitthu: I want to bang something against the wall!!
Me: Why?
Mitthu: Sorry, I need to take a deep breath! Okay, here are the revised steps.
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Take the brush from the stand.
Step 3: If the paste is there in stand then go to step 4, else, get toothpaste from storage or market.
Step 4: Check if the water is flowing from the tap, then go to step 5, else, put the toothbrush & paste back and try later.
Step 5: Put some paste on the toothbrush.
Step 6: Rinse the mouth with water.
Step 7: Wet the brush.
Step 8: Put brush back in the mouth.
Step 9: For 10 times, brush each section of your teeth.
Step 10: Take the brush out.
Step 11: Clean the brush.
Step 12: Rinse your mouth & gargle.
Step 13: Put the brush back to the stand.
Step 14: Stop.
Me: One more thing, you said water, but water is not flowing through the tap.
What should I do?
Mitthu: Yaarrr…. Please. Hey Bhagwan! Save me, please.
Ok, give me 5 minutes
See I have prepared this for you. An algorithm of How to brush your teeth.

What is an algorithm?
Mitthu: An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions for performing a task.
Me: Can you give me examples of simple algorithms?
Examples of simple algorithm in everyday life
Mitthu: Yes, here are some examples of simple algorithms, they are very good to understand for kids and beginners as well. And they all are algorithm examples from our everyday life.
1) What to do to cross the road while walking on the street?

2) How to make lemon juice for both of us?

Me: Cool, what are algorithms used for?
What are the uses of algorithm?
Mitthu: Have you ever cooked a dish by following a recipe? That’s the algorithm to prepare that dish. A math equation is an algorithm. Production processes in a factory are algorithms, the internet runs on algorithms. Algorithms are everywhere, knowingly or unknowingly, you follow them in real life and digital life.
Me: You said algorithm for kids and beginners? Do you mean school kids? Like primary school and kindergarten?
Mitthu: Yes, exactly. Algorithms can be taught to primary and high school students and to kindergarten kids too. This can also be taught to anyone know doesn’t know anything about algorithms, coding, maths, and technology. Just the approach should be changed every time and no learning should be forced on anyone. Make them play, create and perform, and they will learn during the journey, as they believe at havi.co.
Me: But why should they learn algorithms?
Mitthu: See, if you observe closely, an algorithm is a way to communicate the solution to a problem or task. It’s a structured form of communication, When you just abruptly tell a novice to make the tea, what would she do? Would either be completely clue-less or may spoil something. Hence you need a structured approach, that way the person can understand instructions well and there are high chances of them following your instructions to solve the problem or achieve the tasks.
This can further be used in computer programming, robotics, and artificial intelligence as well. Because you need to instruct computers to perform tasks and all they follow is algorithm. Starting from Google navigation to Instagram feed, autonomous vehicles, making a line follower car using Havi Elements, to a response from Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, everything is powered by smart algorithms.
Me: Got it!
You mean to say the benefits of learning algorithms are!
Benefits of learning algorithms
- Develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
- Learn to decompose the problem statement into smaller parts.
- Improve maths skills.
- Becomes a better communicator in day-to-day life.
- Prepares for robotics, programming, and Artificial Intelligence careers.
Mitthu: Perfect that is. Algorithm is a great tool in general, for everyone, not just for programmers.
Me: How to learn algorithms?
How to learn algorithms for everyday life?
Mitthu: That’s simple. Practice it. As I have used in the above examples, you can use the following symbols. Each symbol has a specific meaning.
Symbols to be used in algorithm for everyday life
1. Oval means start and end.

Then you can look around. You will find several tasks and challenges in everyday life, which can be converted into algorithms.
You can download the algorithm worksheet, and you will find the following inside.
1) Printable shapes to write algorithm. Print as many as you want and cut in the shape. Use them on a whiteboard and keep drawing arrows.
2) 14 algorithm challenges that you can perform yourself.
Me: And last question, can teachers and parents use these?
Mitthu: Arey…. Off-course and always. Parents and school teachers can download these and use them to teach algorithms to their kids and students. They can also use this conversation and tell a story or prepare a role-play to make learning playful and fun.
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