How to make a robot car at home – with 19 robotic functions

Who would like to make a robot car with a sporty smart look? And that too, with the 18 smart car functions?? In this blog post, we are going to make a robot car using Havi’s DIY robotic car kit and then will understand 19 different functions of the robot car.
The user manual that comes with the kit has an elaborated explanation of the making process.
What will you need?
All you need is Havi Elements DIY robotic car kit.
The making of Havi’s robot car
Step: 1
Connect the wheel with the shaft of the geared motor. On the other side, insert the motor into the motor holder.
Step: 2
Lock the motor holder using a motor lock plate. And place the entire setup into the car chassis.
Step: 3
Insert all element locks into the slots of the car chassis. On the other side, tie them with rubber bands.
Step: 4
Now, at the front of the base plate, adjust the roller and lock it with the rollers’ c lock plate. On the other side, tie it with a rubber band.
Step: 5
Find the power bank plate from the DIY robotic car kit and insert the power bank into that. Make sure that the USB slot of the power bank should be inserted at the broader side of the plate.
Step: 6
Snap the remaining plates one by one into the car base.
Step: 7
Snap the circuit: Power + Motor + Motor
Step: 8
On the bottom of the car, between the ends of Elements’ lock plates, place the circuit. Fix the circuit with rubber bands(Mark the cut given on elements’ lock plates for rubber bands).
Step: 9
Connect the power bank with Power Element using USB cable. Connect the geared motor with Motor Element.
Turn the Power Element ON. Your robot car is ready to move.
You make seven basic robot car functions using the switch variation.
Basic robot car functions
1. Robot car forward
2. Robot car reverse
3. Circular robot car
4. Circle drawing car
5. Flyover climbing car
6. One motor circling car
7. One motor circle drawing car
So far, we have made 7 creations using Power & Motor Elements. Now, we will add IR sensor to the circuit.
What is an IR sensor & how does it work?
The full form of IR is Infrared. IR is used to detect an object. IR passes YES signal to next Element if any object will be there, else passes NO signal to the next Element. For details, check how IR sensor works?
IR assembly in robot car:
Step: 10
On the side of the base plate, fit the IR assembly plate as defined with the arm pin. On the other side, fix it with the rubber band.
Step: 11
Adjust small IR in the IR extension slot. Adjust in such a way that the wire slot should face downwards. Fix that with the rubber bands.
Now, you can make 12 smart robot car functions using IR sensor extension.
8. Touch me not car
9. Follow me car
10. Remote controlled car
11. Edge avoiding car
12. Parking sensor
13. Smart reverse car parking sensor
14. Front accident avoiding car
15. Obstacle avoiding car(stops at obstacle)
16. Obstacle avoiding car(turns at obstacle)
17. Brake lights
18. Line follower car
19. Spiral car
That’s how you can make 19 smart car functions using Havi’s DIY robotic car kit. The user manual that comes with the kit has an elaborated explanation of the making each function.